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 © Lynne Hall and Alison France 2008-2024   All rights reserved.  Last updated 04/05/2024   Cookies and Privacy Policy


Counties Contact

Many of the people we have researched can be found, with their year of birth,  on the parish pages which are listed below.  The amount of information we have on each individual varies greatly but we will provide what we can if you get in touch.   Not everyone  we have researched is on this site as yet, so it’s worth asking even if you can’t find the person you want listed here.   

Wills -

We have extracted all names of testators, beneficiaries, family members, witnesses - in fact anyone - from the wills we have for Lancashire.  The date is that in which the will was proven and may not be the same as the date of death.  Contact us for more details, or check to see if the full will appears here.